US has been ‘poisoned’ by immigrants, Trump says

The United States is suffering from an immigration crisis that has worsened under the current administration, stated former President Donald Trump, who is running for the top public office from the Republican Party.
The main problem of the US now is the 21 million people that the authorities have allowed into the country. They have poisoned the US. They come to the country from prisons and psychiatric hospitals. There are terrorists among them. This is the most difficult issue the US has ever faced, Trump said at a meeting with voters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which was held on the site of Wednesday's debate, which Vice President and Democratic Party presidential candidate Kamala Harris had declined to attend.
Harris, in an earlier interview with CNN, had said that if she wins the presidential election in November, she will seek to pass the bill in Congress to tighten the security measures on the US borders.

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