Foreign IT companies paid 48 billion soums in taxes

Foreign IT companies paid 48 billion soums in taxes
Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) – In the first half of 2024, foreign companies providing electronic services in Uzbekistan paid over 48 billion soums in taxes, according to a data by the State Tax Committee of Uzbekistan.
During this period, 60 foreign companies operating in the electronic services sector contributed 48.4 billion soums to the budget, which is 1.5 times higher compared to the same period of last year.
Of this amount, approximately 95.1% came from the ten largest companies.
Meta paid 18.4 billion soums in taxes, Google 12.9 billion soums, and Apple 9.8 billion soums.
Booking.com contributed 1.1 billion soums, Amazon 949.2 million soums, Zoom 696.6 million soums, Netflix 666 million soums, and Acca 652.1 million soums in taxes.
The Uzbek budget also received 449.3 million soums from Xsolla and 301.3 million soums from Adobe.
Foreign companies providing electronic services are required to submit tax reports and pay taxes no later than the 20th of the month following the end of the quarter.

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