Newspaper: New opposition forming in Armenia?

Hraparak daily of Armenia writes as follows, in particular: While the [Armenian] opposition promises a heated political autumn and assures that they will resume active actions, there are reports that some forces, figures have launched active rearrangements to form a new opposition [in Armenia].
They are carrying out political consultations toward of forming a so-called centrist force, which, according to their calculations, will have a great chance of winning in the upcoming elections, whether regular or early, as it will not be associated with either the present or the former ones. This force will first set itself the task of tearing the mask of Armenia's pseudo-Westerners, showing the public that they are [PM] Nikol Pashinyan's servants and Armenia's enemies.
According to our sources, former HRD [(Human Rights Defender)] Arman Tatoyan, former [Yerevan] mayor Hayk Marutyan, the ANC [(Armenian National Congress party)], Country to Live [party], Suren [political scientist] Surenyants, and several similar forces are participating in the consultations. We were told that they considered even Edmon Marukyan [i.e. the former Ambassador-at-Large of Armenia and Chairman of the Bright Armenia Party] in this alliance, but as a result of discussions, they came to the conclusion that his presence could be harmful by associating the new entity with the name of Nikol Pashinyan.
But since there is no clear format yet, as was expected, the politicians unanimously denied the information about the consultations.

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