President Ilham Aliyev received delegation of TURKPA-UPDATED

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received Mehmet Süreyya Er, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States (TURKPA), Numan Kurtulmuş, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, Yerlan Koshanov, Chairman of Mazhilis of the Kazakh Parliament, Nurlanbek Shakiev, Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan, Tanzila Norbaeva, Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, Zorlu Töre, President of the National Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Márta Mátrai, Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly, APA reports.

Speaking at the event, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said:

- First of all, you are welcome. My sincere greetings to all of you. I am sure that the next plenary session of TURKPA will yield good results. Such meetings are usually a manifestation of the unity of the Turkic world, and I am sure that the Baku meeting will be no exception either. Our countries are making great effort towards the unification of the Turkic world. As you may know, when the priorities of Azerbaijan's foreign policy were to be determined, the strengthening of the Turkic world and our relations with Turkic states were identified as a priority direction. After this year's presidential election, I stated in my speech at the swearing-in ceremony that our family is the Turkic world and that we have no other family. In fact, this explicitly shows our country’s policy in this direction. I am glad that the work carried out through the Organization of Turkic States in the last few years has strengthened our unity even more.

As you know, on my initiative, an informal summit of the Organization of Turkic States will be held in Shusha in a month’s time. I thought that holding a summit once a year would not be enough because there is a need for prompt and continuous contacts. In addition, each summit becomes another next step in the direction of strengthening our unity. I am quite pleased and grateful to my colleagues for supporting this initiative, and the informal summit will be held in Shusha in exactly one month. The main topics of that meeting will be related to transport and climate. And this is also natural. Because the establishment and expansion of transport links is a process closely related to the unification of the Turkic world. The opening of the Middle Corridor and the increase of cargo transportation are the key issues. All countries that are members of the Organization of Turkic States are working together here. I thought that the potential of the Middle Corridor would be very much in demand in the world today. We need to have a broad exchange of ideas on this topic and about further steps.

Climate issues are among primary objectives on Azerbaijan's agenda today. As you may know, Azerbaijan will host the COP29 conference this year. This is both a great responsibility and a great honor for us. In the run-up to preparations for this global event, of course, it will be of great benefit to discuss these issues with brotherly countries.

Of course, the holding of the summit in Shusha carries a great symbolic meaning. Shusha has been free from occupation for almost four years now. Construction and restoration work is in full swing there. The leaders of member countries of the Organization of Turkic States have visited Shusha. The President of Turkiye, the President of Uzbekistan, the President of Kazakhstan, the President of Kyrgyzstan visited Aghdam and Fuzuli. Of course, this means a lot for the restoration of the occupied lands. We are feeling this brotherly support. All the people of Azerbaijan are feeling it. I should also say that a school and an art center have already started operating in the liberated lands on the initiative and with the financial support of the brotherly countries. They were built by Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. We recently laid the foundation of a school – together with the President of Kyrgyzstan in Aghdam district last month. A school will be built with the financial support of Hungary in a settlement in Jabrayil district. In other words, all this once again shows our unity. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our brotherly countries.

I should also mention that we are creating an extensive road infrastructure in liberated territories today, and companies from Turkiye are actively involved in the implementation of these huge projects. Anyone going to Shusha today, anyone driving along the newly built highway can see with their own eyes that seven tunnels, nine viaducts and a number of bridges are under construction there, and most of the contractors are companies from Turkiye. At the same time, the process of railway restoration is going on fast. The contractors of the Horadiz-Aghband railway are also Turkish companies. In other words, we can clearly see the unity of the Turkic world in liberated lands. Of course, this makes us happy and shows how closely connected countries of the Turkic world are to each other.

Life is reviving in liberated territories. Four cities and four villages have already been restored and former IDPs have returned there. More than 7,000 former IDPs are already living on their ancestral lands, and by the end of this year this number will reach at least 20,000. Extensive construction and development work is underway, and Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur will become one of the most developed regions in the world.

I want to emphasize again that today's meeting of TURKPA is of tremendous importance. I am sure that the issues to be discussed will further strengthen our unity. At the same time, every time high-ranking officials from brotherly countries visit our country, it makes us happy. The Turkic world is a big family, it has tremendous potential and covers a large geography. Transport routes, energy resources, human capital, growing population, positive demographic situation – they all are the strength potential. It is our task to turn this potential into a great power on a global scale, and I am sure it will happen and we are seeing that. Each meeting, each summit is the next step towards our goals.

Greetings again, and you are welcome. I wish you a pleasant visit.


The Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan Tanzila Norbaeva, said in her remarks:

- First of all, on behalf of all my colleagues and on my own behalf, I would like to express my gratitude to you for the invitation. We have been invited as guests of honor, but in any case, we are active participants in the Turkic people's parliamentary movement.

Mr. President, I want to convey to you the greetings on behalf of our President, your friend and brother, as well as his best wishes for the great construction work and creative activities on the reconstruction of Karabakh. Thanks to your creative work, the global reputation of Azerbaijan is increasing today. Your socioeconomic potential and international influence are growing. I would like to say that your idea of establishing TURKPA is producing positive results. We are always actively involved in its work. In particular, this year we participated in the 148th session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Geneva, where the honorable Sahiba Gafarova organized a special meeting of TURKPA on your instruction. All the MPs gathered there and we actively discussed the issues on the agenda. On behalf of the parliamentarians of Uzbekistan, I want to thank you for your idea.

I would like to say that we will always support your ideas regarding the strengthening of the parliamentary criterion, the influence of parliaments on these processes – of course, also in a bilateral format. We have implemented the first roadmap with great success. We have very good relations, today we are signing the second roadmap, and all our efforts will be channeled into the implementation of the agreements reached between my President and yourself, dear Mr. President.

I want to thank you again and wish you great success. You have done historic work and continue to amaze the whole world with your foresight, professionalism and organizational skills. Thank you very much.

President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you. Please pass my best wishes to my dear brother Shavkat Miromonovich, I look forward to seeing him soon. You know, we will have more meetings before the end of the year – both my visit and I know that Shavkat Miromonovich is planning to attend the climate conference in November this year. You also know very well how successfully the fraternal relations between our countries are developing – I would even say at an incredible speed. If someone had said seven or eight years ago that we would reach such a level of cooperation, only a handful would have believed it. This is certainly a great achievement. I would also like to invite everyone – a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union will be held here on the sidelines of COP29, and we invite all speakers of parliaments of the brotherly countries. This will be an important event. In general, many events will be held within the framework of the climate conference, but one of the most significant meetings will be the meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. So we will meet again before the end of the year.

Tanzila Narbayeva: Thank you very much. It is always a pleasure to come here.


The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkiye, Numan Kurtulmuş, said in his remarks:

- Dear Mr. Aliyev, dear Mr. President.

On behalf of the Republic of Turkiye, I would like to convey to you the greetings and love of our President and the Turkish people.

First of all, we congratulate you again on your victory in the liberation of Karabakh from occupation, which is indeed one of the most important turning points in the history of Azerbaijan. A historic success has been achieved. The lands of Karabakh, which were under occupation for 30 years, have been liberated.

We are happy now. We can see that the liberated lands of Karabakh are improving and reviving. The return of displaced people is also great news. We know and see that Karabakh will become an extraordinary center of attraction in the shortest possible time. May Allah bless your work. As the Republic of Turkiye and the Turkish people, we want to state again that we are always by your side with all our strength.

Of course, as your Excellency has said, the doors of a new era in world history are opening to us. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the bipolar world system was consigned to history. With America's withdrawal from Afghanistan, America's unipolar world system was consigned to history. We are now at the beginning of a multipolar era. Approximately 300 million Turks live in the geography that extends from what we call the Central Asia including Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, from the Caucasus to Anatolia, and from there to Europe, to Hungary. This is a huge potential. It is an extraordinarily large potential both in terms of human capacity and in terms of underground and surface resources. Inshallah, Turkic states will use this in the most prudent manner and become a great powerhouse in the new world. The fact that the Turkic world is an important balance of power is not a threat to peace in the world. On the contrary, it is an opportunity to ensure lasting peace in the world. In the coming period, we, together with member countries of the Organization of Turkic States and our other brothers, will mobilize all our capabilities to make the Turkic world a great powerhouse. We will strengthen our unity, equality and brotherhood, and as part of the “win-win” principle and with joint projects we will restore rights and justice in this region of the world. We will make effort to form a structure that will be dominated by justice. In this context, we are at the very beginning of an era and we are very hopeful. All we need to do is fulfill our duty and be able to pass on a stronger Turkic world to the next generations.

As you said, our family is the Turkic world. We see and observe in every relationship that this family has very strong roots. It is necessary for us to carry out activities in which these relations are accepted and strengthened by our peoples, and as Gaspirali said, we must ensure a “unity of the language, thought and work”. In the steps to be taken in this direction, we as Turkiye are together with you with all our strength.

Thank you again for hosting this meeting, and please accept our assurances of highest consideration.

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President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Thank you very much. Please convey my sincere greetings and good wishes to my brother, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkiye has always stood by Azerbaijan, and when the Second Karabakh war began, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's very explicit and precise words that “Turkiye stands by Azerbaijan” gave us additional strength. This political and moral support showed the whole world that Azerbaijan was not alone and that Turkiye was by our side for 44 days. Every day, both the President and other officials made statements, which made it possible for us to complete this rightful cause of victory. Because you know very well that during 44 days Azerbaijan came under lot of pressure from various power centers. Some countries even threatened us, but Turkiye’s unequivocal support in such a difficult situation, I repeat, gave us additional strength and confidence, and we are grateful for this support. All the people of Azerbaijan know and appreciate this.

As you mentioned – I am very glad that this is already a common approach, a common idea – the strengthening and unification of the Turkic world will turn the Turkic world and the Organization of Turkic States into a great powerhouse on a global scale. Because, as you mentioned, the existing powerhouses are in crisis. Each of them is experiencing its own crisis. Our potential, on the contrary, is growing by the day. As I mentioned, it covers a large geography. If we look at the map, we can see that the Turkic world is boundless, it covers a large geography. A growing and young population, natural resources, transportation routes, and unity among us. This unity is natural, and it is underpinned by common roots. Therefore, this unity is stronger and more powerful than all others. In other words, our unity is based on ethnic and cultural roots, and, of course, we must strengthen this unity with practical steps.

Today, there are wide relations in the fields of transport, energy, trade, culture and other fields. Today, security, military, military-technical and other fields related to security must be in the spotlight. Because the processes going on in different parts of the world show that the norms of international law are flouted and do not work. We have seen this in the example of Azerbaijan for 28 years. For 28 years, the Minsk Group was trying to solve the Karabakh problem. In fact, it was only trying to freeze it, and the four resolutions of the UN Security Council were nothing more than a piece of paper. This is why we secured our rights and territorial integrity on the battlefield, by force and within the framework of international law. But it is also true that you must have the strength to be able to defend your rights.

With regard to the Armenian-Azerbaijani process, I can say that we believe that several issues still remain outstanding. One of them is the Constitution of Armenia, which has territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Secondly, an end must be put to Armenia's groundless territorial claims against Azerbaijan and Turkiye. Of course, we have already proposed this to the Armenian side, that Azerbaijan and Armenia should jointly apply to the OSCE and abolish the Minsk Group. There is no need for the Minsk Group and it is not functioning now. We will not allow it to operate de facto. It remains for it to be canceled de-jure, legally, and this will show how sincere Armenia is. If Armenia prefers to maintain the Minsk Group, then their territorial claims against us will be continued.

As you know, important events in the direction of defining the borders have recently taken place. Azerbaijan regained the four villages it lost in 1990 and 1992 – four villages located in Gazakh district – without a single shot being fired. This shows that issues can be resolved peacefully. If Armenia had listened to us back in 2020 and returned our lands peacefully, there would be no need for the Second Karabakh War and the anti-terror operation. So this should serve as a lesson for them, and I can already see that they have drawn the right conclusions from that lesson. Because the peaceful return of four villages to us through negotiations and the determination of borders in that region show that we can resolve issues through negotiations. Of course, at the next stage – I am sure that the Shusha summit will be an important step in this direction where our unity will be demonstrated and specific issues will be discussed – the heads of state, speakers of parliaments, representatives of the civil society and all strata of society should work towards making the Turkic world stronger. I am sure that the day will come when all the issues of the world will be resolved through consultation with the Organization of Turkic States. We only show good intentions, and as the honorable chairman Numan Kurtulmuş has said, our desire is for cooperation and friendship. We do not take any action against anyone. We are not a threat to anyone and never will be. We demand and protect our rights, and we support each other.

We protect each other. Turkiye and Azerbaijan signed the Shusha Declaration in 2021 and officially became allies. In other words, this alliance is the highest form of cooperation. We are always by each other's side in all matters. As soon as an issue arises, we are next to each other in automatic mode, so to speak. This unity must be established throughout the Turkic world, and then no one can interfere in our work.

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The Chairman of Mazhilis of the Kazakh Parliament, Yerlan Koshanov said in his remarks:

- Dear Mr. President, thank you very much for the warm welcome. I would also like to convey to you the greetings and sincere wishes on behalf of President Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev, and congratulate you on the recently celebrated Independence Day of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan has indeed achieved great success in the years of independence. We are very happy about it. We see it and are truly happy about it as your Kazakh brothers. Today, Azerbaijan has become a vibrant state that looks to the future with confidence. Baku is a clear example of this. We like to visit your country. People of Kazakhstan like to come to Baku. You know, many of our compatriots often come here, and they don't just come here for rest, they meet real friends and brothers here. This is why the people of Kazakhstan like to come here. I like it too, my family also comes here. For this reason, I am very glad to be visiting Baku today. Baku really shows and embodies the power and prosperity of Azerbaijan.

The primary achievement of your thought-out strategy has been the complete restoration of the territorial integrity of your country. It was discussed here today, and our President spoke about it when he was here. We in Kazakhstan are also very happy about that event.

Today, I can say that the relations between both Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan are quite exemplary. The key to our success is a trust-based dialogue between you and President Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev. You have already been to Kazakhstan twice. Our President was on a state visit here this year. Our delegation returned with very good impressions. Indeed, the meeting of the Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan Supreme Interstate Council was a historic event. It was a major event.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization soon and there will also be a consultative meeting of Central Asian leaders. Your colleagues will be there too. Our President plans to attend the meeting of the Organization of Turkic States, as well as the COP29 summit, which has also been discussed today. The parliaments of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan cooperate very closely, as is the case with all our colleagues. We are always in touch with Sahiba Ali gizi and take the same position in all interstate multilateral meetings and events. Indeed, we cooperate very closely with Sahiba Ali gizi.

This year, Azerbaijan chairs TURKPA. I wish you success, achievements, effective chairmanship and fulfilment of your goals.

Our countries also follow a consistent, peaceful policy. Direct negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia were held in Almaty recently. Kazakhstan was pleased to provide such a platform. We are ready to provide additional assistance in all these matters in the future. Like you, we are interested in establishing peace and stability in the region.

I would like to express my gratitude to you once again and wish you success in the high mission aimed at the strengthening and developing brotherly Azerbaijan. Thank you very much.

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President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Thank you. Please convey my best wishes to dear Kassym-Jomart Tokayev too.

As you mentioned, his state visit to Azerbaijan was very successful and produced excellent results. We, as you know, also opened the Children's Creativity Center named after Kurmangazy in Fuzuli. This is already a second gift from brotherly countries to the city of Fuzuli. First, in August last year, Shavkat Miromonovich and I opened a school named after Ulugbek there. Therefore, children in Fuzuli will go to school named after Ulugbek and then to the Creative Center named after Kurmangazy. You know, this is exactly what we are talking about and what we want: let our peoples always feel each other’s support. These two large educational institutions, which cost quite a lot of money, are a gift of our brothers and will remain there forever. These ties with brotherly countries will bring those who will study there, those who will undergo creative training there closer together forever. This is the legacy we have created together.

Of course, I am looking forward to new meetings with the President of Kazakhstan. As you mentioned, there are two events in Kazakhstan this year, and I have been invited to them. I am very grateful. Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich will also participate in two events – in Shusha and Baku. Besides that, we will catch up on other platforms as well. We agreed to make regular visits. Of course, a state visit has a special status, but we must also constantly maintain relations within the framework of business visits.

Let me also express my gratitude for the initiative of the Kazakh side to create an opportunity for negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. We immediately received this with gratitude. As you may know, the negotiations are progressing with certain results. I cannot say that we have agreed on all issues, but it would probably be difficult to expect it in such a short time. Because for 28 years, the Minsk Group of the OSCE failed to advance a single centimeter. Not a single issue was resolved in 28 years. Therefore, it would be somewhat naive to expect that all issues will be agreed now, only after a year and a half. However, it is important to have a process, to have it going and to agree on a number of issues. But I must say again that our position is based on international legal norms. We have never had any territorial claims against any country, including Armenia. They had territorial claims against us. It is the declaration of independence, which was subsequently included in their constitution, that contains territorial claims against Azerbaijan. It is in their ideology, politics and public discourse that territorial claims against Türkiye are incessantly made. From young age, Azerbaijanis and Turks have been portrayed as enemies in their society. It is their society that has been poisoned by nationalists and war criminals. Therefore, they should deal with these issues. Of course, it is simply impossible to conclude a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan while the current constitution of Armenia remains unchanged. When we raised this question, I said this and I want to say it again – not because we are interfering in their internal affairs, not at all, but it is about us. At a time when they have territorial claims against us, we cannot conclude a peace agreement with Armenia. Also, I have to say as well that from a purely practical point of view if we look at the map – where is Armenia and where is Türkiye. Simply comparing the military potential, demographic potential and economic potential of the two countries and then making a territorial claim against Türkiye is tantamount to committing suicide. Or after the events of 2020 and 2023, making territorial claims against Azerbaijan is absolutely close to suicide. This is why they should change their ideology and mood in society. It takes time. They must completely abandon the ideas of a revenge. And we see that such ideas exist not only in the opposition, but also in the government. All these issues, of course, need to be clarified and regulated. However, I want to say that we are committed to working constructively towards reaching agreement on all clauses of the peace agreement in accordance with the UN Charter and international law.

I would like to thank the Kazakh side very much again for supporting this process and creating good conditions for holding such meetings.

Yerlan Koshayev: I will convey this to the head of state.

President Ilham Aliyev: Please do.

Yerlan Koshayev: Thank you very much.

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The Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly, Márta Mátrai, said in her remarks:

- Dear Mr. President.

I would also like to say hello. I would like to convey to you greetings on behalf of the Speaker of the Parliament, László Kövér. Unfortunately, he could not come because European Parliament elections are underway in Hungary and 98 percent of the population is in favor of peace. Therefore, unfortunately, the speaker of the parliament could not come and participate in this meeting. At the same time, I would like to convey greetings on behalf of our Prime Minister, Mr. Viktor Orban. He will also participate in the Summit in Shusha.

I would like to mention that we are establishing fraternal relations with TURKPA countries. Our roots and ancestry are the same. From now on, we will make every effort to ensure and strengthen our fraternal relations with the states that are members of this organization.

We are also involved in creating a legacy for future generations. We are involved in the reconstruction in Karabakh. Azerbaijan is a strategic partner for Hungary. In 2023, you visited Hungary and a document on strategic partnership was signed then. This means that we have been able to establish the highest level of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Hungary not only in the economic field, but also in the cultural and humanitarian fields. Our various projects have been raised to the highest level. We are exchanging experience in various fields – industry, energy, information technologies. We are very happy that our young people are eager for contacts. I am very pleased that your students are coming to Hungary. About two hundred Azerbaijani students are receiving education in Hungary every year. It is very gratifying for us that students from Azerbaijan are receiving education there.

Starting next month, Hungary will have the presidency of the European Union for six months. Therefore, it is very important for us to continue establishing and strengthening our relations with Turkic states. We will pay special attention to these ties. We congratulate Azerbaijan on fully restoring its territorial integrity and sovereignty, and let me assure you that you can count on our support from now on. There are direct flights between our countries. These flights are operated by “Wizz Air”. We do hope that we will make the best of such different opportunities in the future.

Mr. President, I wish you success in your work. I do hope we will meet again soon. As observers, we are very pleased to be here.

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President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Thank you very much. Please convey my sincere greetings to both the Prime Minister and the Speaker of Parliament. We were very pleased that Hungary has become an observer in the Organization of Turkic States. Today, Hungary is very active in this organization. I know that Hungary has large-scale cooperation with Azerbaijan and other Turkic states. Many investment projects are in progress, our trade turnover is increasing, so we do appreciate Hungary's activity in this direction.

As you said, Azerbaijan and Hungary are strategic partners and relevant documents have already been signed. At the same time, we are actively working in many areas. Hungary is our number one partner in the European Union, and in some cases, when certain unfounded accusations are leveled against Azerbaijan, Hungary is the first to come to our defense. I am also aware that Hungary is also facing pressure from some European countries because of this. However, Hungary's principled position, the fact that it is on the side of right and justice and respects international law greatly enhances its international reputation.

It is true that our relations with the European Union can be describes as positive. However, after the Second Karabakh War and especially the anti-terror operation last year, certain European countries launched baseless and dishonest attacks against us. Defaming Azerbaijan, casting a shadow on our work, calling white black and black white, supporting the aggressor, and slandering the victim of aggression have become a way of life for some member countries of the European Union. At the bottom of all this is not international law, but personal sick ambitions. Unfortunately, some countries, eager to have a special place in Europe, have also created an anti-Azerbaijani grouping. At least three countries that are members of the European Union have declared a cold war against Azerbaijan. Their names are known. Hungary defends not only its friend here, it also defends justice. I have repeatedly told visitors from Europe that Azerbaijan has restored its territorial integrity, the territorial integrity you have recognized, the whole world has recognized. The territorial integrity in relation to which the UN Security Council has adopted four resolutions demanding an end to the occupation. However, the UN could not do anything, the European Union did not want to do anything, the OSCE and its Minsk Group had actually become an anti-Azerbaijani tool in the hands of the occupying Armenia. We waited for 28 years. We wanted to resolve the issue peacefully, but we saw that those opposing us wanted to make this occupation permanent. They wanted to use Armenia as a tool in the South Caucasus so that Armenia would attack all its neighbors. We restored our rights, defended our territorial integrity and regained our sovereignty. In other words, Hungary defends us because of this. Whether it is Azerbaijan or any other country, if they are on the right path, I am sure that today’s Hungarian Government will be with them.

I know that you came under a lot of pressure in the European Union. This is a complete violation of the democratic principles declared in Europe. Were sanctions imposed on Hungary? Yes, they were. Was Hungary deprived of funds it was entitled to? It was. Why? Because Hungary defends traditional values. It defends its people. It protects its youth from harmful influence. It declares family values as the highest value. This is why those who are against these traditional values and those leading the world into the abyss have imposed sanctions against Hungary. This is outrageous. If you are a member of NATO, if you are a member of the European Union, if you are located in the heart of Europe, sanctions are applied against a country that wants to conduct its own policy. So where is democracy? Does everyone have to agree? Should everyone sit and listen to the words of those who live in some Western countries? Who has given them this right? Their past is nothing to be proud of. Their past is full of blood. Their past is colonialism. Their past is about tormenting peoples and illegal occupation. Even today the policy of colonization continues in the European Union. But does anyone object to that? No. This is why Hungary is at the forefront of this struggle, and I have repeatedly told my friend Viktor Orban that it is more difficult for you. We are based here, we are not European, we don't want to join the European family, but even if we wanted to, no one would let us in there. This is why we live here, we don't listen to anyone's orders, we don't allow anyone to come here and interfere in our work. Don't hit me and I won't hit you. If you are going to hit me, then you will also get a headache. But Hungary is there, and I know how hard it is to come under pressure every day. Hungary will preside over the European Union now. A plan is already being designed against Hungary to, as it is said, to disrupt this presidency and deprive Hungary of this presidency.

We see and know all this, and you should know that respect for your government and your country not only in the Turkic world, but also the world in general is growing. You have the will, the strength, good friends, so I hope you always stay the way you are.

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Márta Mátrai: Thank you very much, Mr. President. With your permission, I would like to draw your attention to one last point. You pointed out very well that Hungary is in a difficult situation. But God is on our side. We will fight until the end. Viktor Orban and our government will do everything in their power to the last moment. We hope for your friendship.

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The President of the National Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Zorlu Töre said:

- Dear President Ilham Aliyev.

First of all, we convey our love and greetings on behalf of the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Mr. Ersin Tatar, and the Turkish Cypriots to you and other members of TURKPA represented in the Organization of Turkic States.

Of course, the Turkish Cypriots are also a part of the Turkic nation. We are all Turks and belong to the Turkic nationality. We are one, we are equal and we are all brothers. We are not different, we should be one and equal in sadness, joy and care.

Of course, if Turkiye was not with us in sorrow, joy and concern, the Happy Peace Movement would not have been realized on July 20, i.e. 50 years ago, and a Turkish state would not have been established in Cyprus today.

I was born in Larnaca, Cyprus, and the Greeks built a monument in Larnaca, which is an Armenian monument. They accept this Armenian monument, they accept genocide, and they declare those denying genocide guilty and pass laws to imprison them.

Of course, when the Happy Peace Movement was implemented on July 20, and later, when the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus declared its independence, Turkiye was subjected to a lot of pressure. But Turkiye has always stood by the Turkish people of Northern Cyprus. We are not discouraged. We continue, and so does our freedom.

Now the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has become an observer member of the Organization of Turkic States. I do hope that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will become a real member in the near future. Because if we move to real membership, maybe then the European Union, the United Nations and America will give up the pressure and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will become permanent. Under the current circumstances, they continue to put pressure and want a federation to be created in Cyprus, a united but unitary Cyprus, so that they can become hegemons and control the whole island of Cyprus.

They impose embargoes on us. That is, today there is an embargo in the economy, there is an embargo in the field of sports. Our young people cannot do sports. We are under pressure from UEFA and FIFA, and Turkiye cannot come and hold a football match or practice here. This disgrace is actually committed by international organizations – UEFA, FIFA. So, I hope, Inshallah, that there will be sports activities within the Organization of Turkic States, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will also participate in them.

Our cooperation in the cultural field has already started. But it needs to be expanded and enlarged. Together with Turkic states, we will have deeper relations in the fields of economy, energy and education, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will continue its path in a stable and healthy manner.

Of course, we would like to specifically thank Azerbaijan. Because you have created a friendship group with the parliament of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. This friendship group visited us, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, they visited together with the friendship group of the Republic of Turkiye.

I think that the path ahead of us is clear. We gave martyrs in Karabakh, but in the end we made it a Motherland again. Our joy is great and our happiness is very high. Inshallah, our future will always be bright together.

After the Organization of Turkic States created unity, why do they want to break it? We must not be fooled by this game. Don't let them create a divide between us. Let's be one, let's be big, let's be alive and strong. May our enemies avoid us. Let's be influential. If we are strong and if we are united, we will be influential and they cannot attack us, they cannot put pressure on us, they will avoid that. I would like to express my deep love and respect for all of you. I thank God for seeing these days. Thank you and always be there for us.

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President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Thank you, thank you very much. Please convey my greetings to Honorable Ersin Tatar. I have met him many times, including in Baku. You know that the cultural days of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus were held here and the Honorable Ersin Tatar came here and we met. I also invited him to the summit, so he will be our guest next month. You know that Azerbaijan worked very hard and made active diplomatic efforts in connection with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus becoming an observer in the Organization of Turkic States, and I am very glad that the first step has already been taken. As for the transformation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus into a full-fledged member, we as Azerbaijan support it. This is natural. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is historically a part of the Turkic world. The Turks living there are our brothers. Azerbaijan's policy in this field has always been unequivocal. I am sure that a large delegation will come to the summit in Shusha along with Ersin Bey, and the issues to be discussed there will further strengthen our unity.

You know, if we look at the history of today's Organization of Turkic States, we will see that it is an organization that has come a long way. When the Soviet Union collapsed, such a cooperation and collaboration framework was created at the initiative of Turkiye. I have been actively participating in this process as the President of Azerbaijan for 20 years. Over the course of these 20 years, I have not only seen different stages of our organization, I have experienced them all. There have also been different times. There was a time when summits were not held for several years. There was a time when, for various reasons, some countries did not show much interest in this institution. However, I have to say, everyone knows this now, that for all these 20 years and before that, during the time of my late father, Azerbaijan was very active in strengthening, uniting and transforming this institution into an organization. It is not a coincidence that the process of transforming it into today's Organization of Turkic States also started in Nakhchivan. On my initiative, holding the summit in Nakhchivan, the ancient Turkic land, was of great significance. Based on the decisions reached there, we are developing, and it took us some time to transform this council into an organization. Today, thank God, this organization exists.

Azerbaijan also showed the first initiative for the future of this organization. We recently declared that the current budget is not enough to strengthen the activities of the Organization of Turkic States, and Azerbaijan unilaterally made an additional contribution of 2 million US dollars, i.e. we made a donation. Before the summit, i.e. before next month, these funds will be deposited in the account of the Organization of Turkic States. What does this indicate? We need to strengthen this organization. Summit meetings are, of course, the highest level event. TURKPA is an important event. We also have TURKSOY. We have the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, there are other institutions, we have an academy, so the organization should grow even more. More people from every country should work there, and the international relations of this organization should be strengthened. We must participate in all international events. In other words, this is our path. I am sure that one day the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will become a full member of the organization. Let me say again that Azerbaijan is in favor of this today, and this will once again show how sincere our unity is.

There are many unions and associations. This is indeed the case. Their history is longer than ours. We have now started taking steps. But there was probably no other organization in history that would develop so fast. Therefore, we may be in the early stages today, but all our efforts, the topics we are talking about today – all this will be a serious message to society. This is our path, and in order to live comfortably as independent countries, our unity must be stronger. My greetings to you too, and please convey my sincere greetings to Mr. Ersin.

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The Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan, Nurlanbek Shakiev said in his remarks:

- Thank you, Mr. President. The delegation of the Kyrgyz Parliament has been in Baku for three days. We would like to express our deep gratitude to our esteemed Azerbaijani colleagues for the warm reception and hospitality.

We have had a very extensive conversation with Mrs. Sahiba Gafarova about inter-parliamentary cooperation.

We were in Shusha, in Karabakh yesterday. We were very happy. It is beautiful, the most beautiful land in the world.

I tell all my colleagues to visit the city of Shusha and see everything with their own eyes. There is a proverb, “Seeing is believing”.

We appreciate and are proud of your heroism. At the same time, we support you.

With the grace of Great Allah, this land has returned to its real and true owners, to those it belongs to by law after great endurance of all Azerbaijani people and leaders for 30 years.

Today we are very happy to participate in the meeting of TURKPA in Azerbaijan, and this is your great achievement and contribution.

Based on the results of the organization's activities, we witness the great work you are doing and highly appreciate it.

President Sadyr Zhaparov is sending his greetings to you. A month ago, he had a very fruitful state visit to Azerbaijan.

He has talked about the documents signed here, the agreements reached with you, and we were pleased to hear that.

Today, Kyrgyzstan-Azerbaijan relations are at a very high level. We must make mutual efforts for the development of our relations, and I believe that our relations will be even higher and closer in the future.

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President Ilham Aliyev: Please convey my greetings to Sadyr Nurgojoyevich too. As you mentioned, he was on a state visit to Azerbaijan last month, and we traveled together to the cities of Fuzuli and Aghdam. After a month, he will be our guest again and will see Shusha. I know that you were in Shusha yesterday and, as you mentioned, those views made a great impression on you. Shusha is a truly beautiful city and it is coming reviving. During the occupation, for 28 years, not a single building was constructed in Shusha. All those old buildings you saw there are buildings of the Soviet era, while the new ones are the work of the last three years.

Our relations with Kyrgyzstan are based on brotherhood. During my state visit to Kyrgyzstan, very important decisions were made. We are cooperating on a very large scale now. You know that the Azerbaijan-Kyrgyzstan Investment Fund has been established. Speaking of which, I should also note that we have similar investment funds with Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. On his own initiative, the President of Kyrgyzstan supported the construction of a school in Aghdam district, and we laid its foundation together last month. All this is a manifestation of brotherhood.

Today, the reforms carried out in Kyrgyzstan are producing results both in the political and economic spheres. We are seeing that. While I was in Kyrgyzstan, the honorable President and I visited some schools. Then teachers and students of those schools were invited to Azerbaijan. In other words, there must be contacts among young people. As I mentioned, for example, the school named after Ulugbek, the Art Center named after Kurmangazy, now there will be a Kyrgyz school, there will be a Hungarian school – all these are indications for young people that this unity manifests itself in a practical work.

Of course, political relations, mutual support, mutual support in international organizations are extremely important, but other projects are also important. I am sure that next month, all the heads of state will open a new page of our unity in Shusha, Inshallah. My greetings again. I know your meeting is about to start, otherwise we could have talked longer. Welcome again, and I wish you a pleasant visit.

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In conclusion, a family photo was taken.


Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, received Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States (TURKPA) Mehmet Süreyya Er, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye Numan Kurtulmus, Chairman of the Majilis of the Kazakh Parliament Yerlan Koshanov, Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan Nurlanbek Shakiev, Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan Tanzila Norbaeva, President of the National Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Zorlu Töre, and Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly Márta Mátrai, APA reports.

